Tuesday, 7 December 2010

we are not that different after all

Im just so tired after the second day of having 3 mocks a day one after each other. 
 Its too much for me. My eyes hurt and i can't revise anymore. If  I could I'd sleep the rest of the week. 

Saturday, 4 December 2010

someone new

i love the way you meet someone completely random and then talk about each other for the whole night and that person becomes someone who knows more about you than your closest friends do

the last day of snow

I been ill for few days but when i realised that yesterday was a last day of snow, i just had to go out and take some pictures in the snow. 
And today looks like there was never any snow. It was sunny in the morning and all of the snow melted. ;l and its raining at the moment. oh the London weather is so unpredictable . ..

Friday, 3 December 2010

Let it Snow

My life is based on music

One of the best concerts I've ever been to. Even though I was at level 2 and could just look at people moshing from upstairs it was still a lot of fun.Boys like Girls and Kids In Glass Houses were Great. !

This is them . Summer 2010.

Long long ago. Cannot wait to see them again. 
Yesterday was Karolina's Birthday. For the first time she was this happy. She didnt expect anyone to make her a surprise and they did. This totally proves when you don't expect something it will happen to you and you'll have the best time of all. Oh. 
20 days left and I'll see my friends again. When i left the first time I had tons of them, but after about 2 years I can only say that I have one and the best Friend. The rest of them are just people I know and who were close to me but time changes everyone and everything. Things are different now than it was before. This makes me sad sometimes but it might be for the good.