Tuesday, 15 February 2011

remembering autumn

there are too much on my mind

I have been inspired by everything around me. Even thought the last a couple of days it was a nightmare, every day's routine i think is the worse thing that happens to me. The school is just way too stressful, at the same time I am very happy of the idea of it being the last year, but still all the exams are just something I hate! Btw I've got accepted to the colleges I applied and hoped for the acceptant. So yeah Yay ;D Although I have complete no idea which one to choose. : ) xx

Yes, Please

tired of the shit im going through right now.

A shitty pic from my laptop.! 

Monday, 14 February 2011

Love and other Drugs

A great movie which made cry at the end... Im such a loser, i cry nearly at every movie. ; l
Oh i wish i had someone like Jake Gyllenhaal as my boyfriend. She's so sexi and charming. 

you said forever

I Hate Mondays, especially on Valentine's day 

Saturday, 5 February 2011